
A house that grows with you.

Our vision, your dream.

Behind Vision M there is a strong team working in a designer way to bring the best possible results. Our team consists of architects and interior designers, artists, scene architects, mechanical engineers, and light engineers working as one big family to create the houses of our dreams.

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Read our blog

Vision M | Málaga

Equipped with highest quality designer furniture, Málaga house shows the beauty and versatility of mediterranean elements colliding into a modular whole.

VisionM | Maastricht

Vision M Maastricht house combines modernity and open spaces with coziness adapting it to the Dutch climate and sensibility.

VisionM | Munich

Dive into the wonders of Munich house, placed in the German countries with a refreshing luxury design. The sleek white look achieved through using Columba brick and the burned Yakisugi wood makes it stand out enough for the onlooker to be completely entranced by its appeal.

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